Friday 15 January 2010


When I was a teenager, back in the 70s, I used to commute for a while to my inner-city school from my home in the outer London suburbs. It was a boring, repetitive journey, but I hit upon an idea to make it far more interesting.

The Piccadilly Line tube carriages were invariably packed with overseas visitors, many making their first trips to the city. They would chatter in myriad languages and jockey for positions near the windows, to get their first glimpses of the unfolding metropolis. One day I thought how great it would be to share their childlike wonderment during my own daily journey. And why couldn't I?

So, from that day on, I joined in with the jolly travellers, seeing each and every sight anew. Once mundane station names like Osterley, Boston Manor and Northfields, became exotic destinations, evocative and full of mystery! I saw towering office buildings, parks and factories for the first time and appreciated them in a way I never could have before.

Later on I extended this way of perceiving things to other mundane areas of my life. For example, whilst eating beans-on-toast, I imagined I was a visitor from China, invited into an English family home, to sample this exotic dish for the first time. Never did this humble dish taste so good!

It was a full 35 years later that I read the spiritual work, A Course In Miracles, which outlines similar ways of viewing the world around us afresh.

Why not give it a try yourself? It even works on people you've known all your life. Just imagine you're meeting your best friend for the first time, with no prejudices. Just allow them to be who there are, suspend all judgement and remove all context. You'll be amazed what you find!

In love & light,


Sunday 10 January 2010

Morphic fields and other weirdness!

When I watched the Tarantino-produced film, Hostel, I confess to feeling physically sick as a result. You have to wonder why such a high-profile film-maker lent his name to such a grubby project and what kind of society demands this sort of "entertainment". The genre known as torture porn is programming people to accept this type of violence as the norm and establishing some very dark and disturbing morphic fields.

Morphic fields have been alluded to in other films, such as The Matrix, which is a movie loaded with spiritual concepts and imagery. These fields have been known and understood by mystics of many cultures for perhaps thousands of years but largely ignored by mainstream science, which initially treated them with its usual suspicion and contempt. "If we can't measure it, it's not there!"

As someone who didn't even see the point in taking his physics GCE and struggled to get CSE maths, I'm not about to embarrass myself by clumsily trying to explain the science behind all this! However, the theory is of vital importance and forms the interface between science and spirituality, alongside the broader concepts of quantum physics. If you google "Rupert Sheldrake", you will find plenty of information on the subject and a far better explanation than I can provide!

However, there are a couple of examples of how the field works, which I'd like to mention. A few years ago, biologists studied a group of macaque monkeys in Japan, which had started to wash sweet potatoes in hot springs, in order to remove unpalatable sand from them. Gradually the practice spread throughout the colony until all the monkeys adopted this unusual method.

Now, in many ways this is understandable and demonstrates how resourceful these animals can be and how they are able to pass on useful behaviour. But, what science wasn't prepared for was the spontaneous adoption of the technique by a totally separate colony of macaques on another Japanese island! As far as I'm aware, there are no monkey mobiles or other means of long-distance communication between primates, other than ourselves. The suggestion is that somehow the collective subconscious stored in the morphic field was accessed by the second colony, after a certain vibrational level was reached within the local field and some sort of leap took place.

An equally startling dicovery, also made in Japan, was by the writer and researcher, Masaru Emoto. He claims that it's possible to alter the crystalline structure of a frozen glass of water and make it more aesthetically pleasing, simply by offering positive thoughts and prayer or playing soothing music. There is a whole body of evidence, including double-blind experiments, based on Emoto's work. Again, a partial explanation for this phenomenon could well be the existence of a morphic field.

Now, I bet you've been thinking, what's all this got to do with Kenwyn's spiritual journey?! Well, something I plan to share with you in a later blog is the work of the scientist and visionary, Gregg Braden. This fascinating guy has spent many years travelling the world, exploring sacred sites, talking to religious mystics and other great thinkers. As former technical ops manager at Cisco Systems, and a systems designer for a large defence contractor, he has the sort of enquiring mind and reputation that people take notice of. One of his main lines of enquiry is into the power of prayer, and this has in turn helped me to focus and refine my own spiritual practice. Again, Braden identifies an invisible grid or matrix that links everything in the universe and can be manipulated by our every thought, prayer, word and action.

So, to conclude for now, we have to keep a careful eye on what sort of entertainment we assimilate into our culture because the effects may be far more wide-reaching than we once thought.

In love & light.


Thursday 7 January 2010

From the mouths of babes

I've worked out that my earliest memory comes from late December back in '63 (please feel free to break into song!)

I'd just turned three-years-old, and mum and I were living in pre-gentrification Notting Hill, in my grandparents' rented house, a short stroll from the buzz of Portobello Road in one direction and the forbidding, Wormwood Scrubs prison in the other.

One evening I remember mum smiling at me and saying, "Christmas is just around the corner". The next thing she knew, I was making a determined effort to clamber up to the bedroom window, so that I could crane my head out and see if I could see Christmas coming!

Strangely enough, this is not a million miles away from how some metaphysicians understand the reality underpinning the visible universe (often innocent babes understand far more of the world than we do!)

It's postulated that we live in an eternal moment of "now", which is separate from space and time as we normally view it. There's no past or future in the sense of linear time or clock time, just a series of potential events, which pass by or don't, as the case may be. For little Kenny, aged three, the event of Christmas was indeed waiting, ready to be crystallised and experienced, should he choose to make it happen.

Another way of looking at this, is that life is a huge CD-ROM with infinite possibilities for gameplay. It's our choices, thoughts and feelings that dictate which levels we access. Most powerful of all are our feelings. These are the keys to manifestation. Simple positive thinking is limited in its creative power unless it's harnessed to our feelings.

The contemporary phrase: fake it till you make it, is a useful maxim to follow in this respect.

For more information, please grab a copy of, "The Power Of Now", by the slightly peculiar Eckhart Tolle. It's also available as an audio book and you'll find plenty of video clips on youtube.

See you soon.

In light & love,


Tuesday 5 January 2010

In the beginning...

My earliest suspicion that there was perhaps a bit more to life than the nuts-and-bolts existence we see on the surface, was as a child of perhaps nine or ten. I remember, quite vividly, lying on my bed in our Chiswick home, reciting (I know not why) the mantra, "ME-MYSELF-I", over and over again. The longer I chanted these words, the more my "self" seemed to detach from my physical body (blimey,I was a weird kid...what was wrong with my Lego and Action Man, or girls even?!)

I never had the guts to push this all the way, as it was a very scary feeling and I felt that I might not come back from wherever I was going, and then I might miss my tea! Sometimes I wish I could recapture those moments, which sparked a lifelong quest to look beyond the mundane, and a fascinating journey through martial arts, meditation, Buddhism, reiki, NLP and beyond. Bruce Lee once encouraged people to take what is necessary from each fighting style, and I've adopted much the same approach to my spiritual quest, reading hundreds of books and listening to countless recorded lectures and meditation tapes.

I've recently come to understand that every life-affirming book we choose to read has the intrinsic power to elevate us spiritually and raise our universal vibration. It's almost as if the author's energy transfers to us via the written word. Clever, eh?!

Based on this, I think it's a very good idea to revisit books you may not have read for a while, maybe not since you embarked on this path, and absorb them from your new, higher perspective. One of the first self-help books I read was "Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers, which I can't wait to re-read.

Perhaps, in my next post, I'll list some of the books that have had the greatest impact on me over the years, and maybe you can share some of your own.

See you soon.

In love & light,


Snowed in!

Only yesterday my good friend, Karen, mentioned that she'd had a strong feeling that I should finally start writing about my spiritual journey and my experiences with healing over many years. I was a bit pushed for time today, but my spiritual guides obviously concurred with her, had words with the all the right people "up there" and presumably greased a few godly palms, to arrange an early morning delivery of a vast duvet of snow, which has prevented me from even attempting the drive to work. So, welcome to my first ever blog, built with technical support from the ever-patient Brian (Luddite-wrangler!) and the cooperation of powers far greater than mine (although perhaps not...more of this later, he said, cryptically!)

I've put off writing about my "spiritual journey" (that phrase sounds a bit pompous in itself to me) for quite a while, although, as someone who occasionally writes professionally, I should possess some of the skills required. It was more a question of: who the hell am I to think that I can teach anyone else about spirituality? Having read vast libraries of self-help books, religious tomes and philosophical tracts, over a period of 35 years or more, I felt humbled by the wisdom I found and felt that I certainly didn't possess the level of enlightenment that shone out from these pages.

What changed my mind on this was some guidance I received from my most recent spiritual teacher, David. We were discussing my future and the possibility of setting up some sort of healing practice down in Devon. Apart from being attuned to the reiki healing energies, I didn't feel I had a great deal to offer, however, David seemed to see other latent abilities, which could be developed for the benefit of others. He also spoke of his own journey, once setting up an initial healing workshop attended by just one person! The point is that he knew more than that person and that soul had been sent to David for the benefit of both parties. So, if anything I write on here serves you in just a tiny way and speeds you on your own journey, it has been well worth the effort.

My plan, if I have one (and I usually don't!) is to try to bring out the salient points in my own journey, the small epiphanies and the eureka moments that I've experienced along a sometimes rocky path. Hopefully, this will allow you to share your own experiences on this stage, so we can build a community of people who really want to see a positive change in themselves and the wider world.

Above all, I want this to be fun and lighthearted...we take so much of life too seriously, like putting a silencer on a high-powered rifle! Damn it...I want to hear the bang!

Whoever said, "Dance as if no one is watching", had it right!

Anyway, welcome, I'm glad you found your way here. I look forward to spending some fun times together.

In love & light.
