Thursday 7 January 2010

From the mouths of babes

I've worked out that my earliest memory comes from late December back in '63 (please feel free to break into song!)

I'd just turned three-years-old, and mum and I were living in pre-gentrification Notting Hill, in my grandparents' rented house, a short stroll from the buzz of Portobello Road in one direction and the forbidding, Wormwood Scrubs prison in the other.

One evening I remember mum smiling at me and saying, "Christmas is just around the corner". The next thing she knew, I was making a determined effort to clamber up to the bedroom window, so that I could crane my head out and see if I could see Christmas coming!

Strangely enough, this is not a million miles away from how some metaphysicians understand the reality underpinning the visible universe (often innocent babes understand far more of the world than we do!)

It's postulated that we live in an eternal moment of "now", which is separate from space and time as we normally view it. There's no past or future in the sense of linear time or clock time, just a series of potential events, which pass by or don't, as the case may be. For little Kenny, aged three, the event of Christmas was indeed waiting, ready to be crystallised and experienced, should he choose to make it happen.

Another way of looking at this, is that life is a huge CD-ROM with infinite possibilities for gameplay. It's our choices, thoughts and feelings that dictate which levels we access. Most powerful of all are our feelings. These are the keys to manifestation. Simple positive thinking is limited in its creative power unless it's harnessed to our feelings.

The contemporary phrase: fake it till you make it, is a useful maxim to follow in this respect.

For more information, please grab a copy of, "The Power Of Now", by the slightly peculiar Eckhart Tolle. It's also available as an audio book and you'll find plenty of video clips on youtube.

See you soon.

In light & love,


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